Source code for etna.transforms.decomposition.detrend

from typing import Dict
from typing import List

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.base import RegressorMixin
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.linear_model import TheilSenRegressor
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures

from etna.distributions import BaseDistribution
from etna.distributions import IntDistribution
from etna.transforms.base import OneSegmentTransform
from etna.transforms.base import ReversiblePerSegmentWrapper
from etna.transforms.utils import match_target_quantiles

[docs]class _OneSegmentLinearTrendBaseTransform(OneSegmentTransform): """Transform for one segment that implements trend subtraction and reconstruction feature.""" def __init__(self, in_column: str, regressor: RegressorMixin, poly_degree: int = 1): """ Create instance of _OneSegmentLinearTrendBaseTransform. Parameters ---------- in_column: name of processed column regressor: instance of sklearn :py:class`sklearn.base.RegressorMixin` to predict trend poly_degree: degree of polynomial to fit trend on """ self.in_column = in_column self.poly_degree = poly_degree self._pipeline = Pipeline( [("polynomial", PolynomialFeatures(degree=self.poly_degree, include_bias=False)), ("regressor", regressor)] ) # verification that this variable is fitted isn't needed because this class isn't used by the user self._x_median = None @staticmethod def _get_x(df) -> np.ndarray: series_len = len(df) x = df.index.to_series() if isinstance(type(x.dtype), pd.Timestamp): raise ValueError("Your timestamp column has wrong format. Need np.datetime64 or datetime.datetime") x = x.apply(lambda ts: ts.timestamp()) x = x.to_numpy().reshape(series_len, 1) return x
[docs] def fit(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> "_OneSegmentLinearTrendBaseTransform": """ Fit regression detrend_model with data from df. Parameters ---------- df: data that regressor should be trained with Returns ------- _OneSegmentLinearTrendBaseTransform instance with trained regressor """ df = df.dropna(subset=[self.in_column]) x = self._get_x(df) self._x_median = np.median(x) x -= self._x_median y = df[self.in_column].tolist(), y) return self
[docs] def transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Transform data from df: subtract linear trend found by regressor. Parameters ---------- df: data to subtract trend from Returns ------- pd.DataFrame residue after trend subtraction """ result = df x = self._get_x(df) x -= self._x_median y = df[self.in_column].values trend = self._pipeline.predict(x) no_trend_timeseries = y - trend result[self.in_column] = no_trend_timeseries return result
[docs] def fit_transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Fit regression detrend_model with data from df and subtract the trend from df. Parameters ---------- df: data to train regressor and transform Returns ------- pd.DataFrame residue after trend subtraction """ return
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Inverse transformation for trend subtraction: add trend to prediction. Parameters ---------- df: data to transform Returns ------- pd.DataFrame data with reconstructed trend """ result = df x = self._get_x(df) x -= self._x_median y = df[self.in_column].values trend = self._pipeline.predict(x) add_trend_timeseries = y + trend result[self.in_column] = add_trend_timeseries if self.in_column == "target": quantiles = match_target_quantiles(set(result.columns)) for quantile_column_nm in quantiles: result.loc[:, quantile_column_nm] += trend return result
[docs]class LinearTrendTransform(ReversiblePerSegmentWrapper): """Transform that uses linear regression with polynomial features to make a detrending. Transform fits a :py:class:`sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression` with polynomial features on each segment. Values predicted by the model are subtracted from each segment. Warning ------- This transform can suffer from look-ahead bias. For transforming data at some timestamp it uses information from the whole train part. """ def __init__(self, in_column: str, poly_degree: int = 1, **regression_params): """Create instance of LinearTrendTransform. Parameters ---------- in_column: name of processed column poly_degree: degree of polynomial to fit trend on regression_params: params that should be used to init :py:class:`sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression` """ self.in_column = in_column self.poly_degree = poly_degree self.regression_params = regression_params super().__init__( transform=_OneSegmentLinearTrendBaseTransform( in_column=self.in_column, regressor=LinearRegression(**self.regression_params), poly_degree=self.poly_degree, ), required_features=[self.in_column], )
[docs] def get_regressors_info(self) -> List[str]: """Return the list with regressors created by the transform.""" return []
[docs] def params_to_tune(self) -> Dict[str, "BaseDistribution"]: """Get default grid for tuning hyperparameters. This grid tunes only ``poly_degree`` parameter. Other parameters are expected to be set by the user. Returns ------- : Grid to tune. """ return { "poly_degree": IntDistribution(low=1, high=2), }
[docs]class TheilSenTrendTransform(ReversiblePerSegmentWrapper): """Transform that uses Theil–Sen regression with polynomial features to make a detrending. Transform fits a :py:class:`sklearn.linear_model.TheilSenRegressor` with polynomial features on each segment. Values predicted by the model are subtracted from each segment. Warning ------- This transform can suffer from look-ahead bias. For transforming data at some timestamp it uses information from the whole train part. Notes ----- Setting parameter ``n_subsamples`` manually might cause the error. It should be at least the number of features (plus 1 if ``fit_intercept=True``) and the number of samples in the shortest segment as a maximum. """ def __init__(self, in_column: str, poly_degree: int = 1, **regression_params): """Create instance of TheilSenTrendTransform. Parameters ---------- in_column: name of processed column poly_degree: degree of polynomial to fit trend on regression_params: params that should be used to init :py:class:`sklearn.linear_model.TheilSenRegressor` """ self.in_column = in_column self.poly_degree = poly_degree self.regression_params = regression_params super().__init__( transform=_OneSegmentLinearTrendBaseTransform( in_column=self.in_column, regressor=TheilSenRegressor(**self.regression_params), poly_degree=self.poly_degree, ), required_features=[self.in_column], )
[docs] def get_regressors_info(self) -> List[str]: """Return the list with regressors created by the transform.""" return []
[docs] def params_to_tune(self) -> Dict[str, "BaseDistribution"]: """Get default grid for tuning hyperparameters. This grid tunes ``poly_degree`` parameter. Other parameters are expected to be set by the user. Returns ------- : Grid to tune. """ return { "poly_degree": IntDistribution(low=1, high=2), }